By the way, if you have the time and energy, recording audio for these articles will tend to double or even quadruple the rate of engagement here. Many people are busy, but listen to audiobooks. Same here on Substack

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Hi Stewart. Thank you for the donation and suggestions. I am still connecting Substack to my bank. I am one of those people. If not for rudolfsteineraudio.com I would have gone through a fraction of the contents of Anthroposophy as I have in the 5 short years since it came into my life. Yes, I will make an audio version of my articles.

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I don't use audiobooks much myself. I find the lectures too riddled with vagueness and even errors to be reliable without careful grounding in his carefully proofed texts (and exercises). But I've waded through a lot. I track my reading here if you want to share titles https://app.thestorygraph.com/profile/skahn

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